Tuesday, 7 May 2013

group work 7th may 2013

In my group I was the writer and I finished my work quite quickly.
the planned idea for my magazine was to make it mostly gossip and some was a bit about how to get good grades and beauty products.
the flat plan helped me a lot to make the articles for the magazine it told me what i had to do and what i have to talk about in my article.
the final magazine was the same as the flat plan because it told us what we needed to do.
we all worked fairly well because we all did our work and showed great support within our group.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

writing copy

i said who it was 
what happened
when it happened
why it happened
where it happened

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

james arthur page layout


For this project the program I have been using is In Design. in this program I made a page layout as you can see from the picture. the new skills I have learnt is how to place text, pictures, headline and pull quote. I placed the image and the text well also I done the headline well. To improve I need to make sure my text is flowing. I would give myself a merit+ to distinction -.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Get the look

The skills that I have used is: I have
changing the colour of the background

My target audience is ages from 12-18. I chose this target audience because these ages like to know the fashion tips these days and want to dress like some celebs.

I have used colours like red which some people like the colour of and I have used outfits like skinny jeans, tops, shoes etc.

I have  done the masking and the layout and I have shown how my magazine appeals to the target audience.
to improve I need to work on my coverlines.